Know Your Noodles And Have Fun With Them

From wheat to rice to egg, the world of noodles can be confusing for the uninitiated. But there’s help

From wheat to rice to egg, the world of noodles can be confusing for the uninitiated. But there’s help

Who invented noodles has been a hotly-debated issue for decades. But if you go by a 2005 discovery, the world’s oldest noodles—4,000-year-old to be precise—were found from the Lajia archaeological site in China.

In India, its popularity cuts across age, region and community. Available in a variety of options, noodles can be confusing for the uninitiated. Here’s help for those who are looking to experiment with textures and flavours:

Egg Noodles

Deliciously smooth and slippery, egg noodles or Chinese egg noodles are made with wheat flour and eggs. The texture is more tender and delicate compared to the white flour (maida) noodles because of the egg. You can buy them pre-packaged or fresh from a store and boil the noodles before using them in a recipe. Because of their smooth texture, they are more versatile than regular noodles and can be used for a variety of preparations such Khao Soi, stir fry, soup, an Asian salad or can be simply had with a curry.

Glass Noodles

Believed to have originated in China, glass noodles are super thin, transparent and commonly made from the starch of mung bean or moong. They are great for making Vietnamese cold rolls, Asian soups, stir-fried dishes, and Thai salads. Typically sold in dried form, you need to soak them in hot water for about 10 minutes before eating or using them in a dish.

Wheat Noodles

As the name suggests, wheat noodles are prepared from wheat flour, water and salt and can be further tweaked to make egg noodles as well. Springy in texture, these noodles can be served hot or cold, with soups or tossed in a sauce, stir-fried or boiled. Wheat noodles are a healthier pick compared to white flour noodles.

White Flour Noodles

Made with refined flour (maida), these versatile noodles are one of the most popular picks when it com...

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