How to Clean the Things You Never Do ... But Should

We often ignore important things in our housework routine. But adding a task or two is easy

We often ignore important things in our housework routine. But adding a task or two is easy

You routinely change your sheets, but when was the last time you cleaned your mattress? And you run your dishwasher regularly, but how long has it been since you gave the machine itself a wash? Chances are, you haven’t thought to clean certain household items in a long while—and might not think to clean them at all, until they become bigger projects than they would be if you’d given them a little regular care.

If you feel you already spend too much time cleaning, don’t despair. Many of these tasks are easy to tackle, especially if you add them on to existing chores. And you don’t have to clean these items as often as you do other objects in your home. Here are some suggested routines for each—they are goals to aim for, not actual homework. To start, it’s enough to notice these frequently overlooked items more often than you perhaps have before. The nicest part? Most of them need attention only once in a while.


Faucets and ShowerHeads

*How to clean Fill a plastic bag about halfway with white vinegar. (Use litre-sized bags for faucets and four-litre-sized bags for showerheads.) Wrap the bag around the fixture so that every place where water exits is completely submerged in the vine­gar. Use a rubber band to hold the bag in place, and leave it for an hour or so. Then remove the bag and rinse with water, using a toothbrush to scrub away any lingering residue.

*How often Once a month.



*How to clean Empty all water from the unit. Check the filters and replace any dirty ones. Then clean any mineral deposits with a small brush and whichever disinfectant the manual or company website recommends. (Remember to wear gloves and goggles if you’re using a bleach solution.) Afterwards, rinse the tank several times to wash away ...

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