How To Build Strength And Resilience In Times Of Stress

High-stress situations can make you feel gutted, but they can also help you discover your power within

High-stress situations can make you feel gutted, but they can also help you discover your power within

We are inherently social beings, and it is vital for us to maintain social connections both within the family and outside to stay centred and happy. Lockdown and quarantine, while necessary for the management of the pandemic, can result in isolation and inherent stresses.

Some common signs and symptoms of stress are: worrying too much, overthinking, or catastrophic thinking, irritability or impatience, restlessness, difficulty with concentration, sleeplessness and changes in appetite. To manage stress, it is important to be aware of the experience. Many of us are not even aware that we are experiencing stress. First, it is useful to identify the causes for the stress. Any emergency situation, such as the current one, can lead to stress for a number of reasons:

1. Uncertainty: Even though we are getting better informed about the pandemic every day, uncertainty still persists. Constant news updates and information about the spreading pandemic also heightens the sense of loss of control and anxiety.

2. Isolation: People living away from their loved ones may experience loneliness. They may feel they have no one to share their troubles with, and they may also worry about the health of their loved ones who are far away.

3. Relationship conflicts: Every relationship needs space and togetherness. Couples and families may experience conflicts living and working in close proximity for days together. Issues that were previously ignored may suddenly flare up, and since everyone’s going through stress, there may be outbursts. Couples may also argue about household chores and finances.

4. Changes in lifestyle: The absence of exercise and increased screen t...

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