Home Remedies from Around the World

These 13 folk treatments are proven to work

These 13 folk treatments are proven to work

Many of us fall back on home treatments for ailments, whether they're proven to be effective or not. We asked editors at some of our Reader’s Digest (RD) editions around the world to share those that work for them—and then we checked out which ones are backed by research. Here are our favourites.

FRANCE VINEGAR Fights Infection

French folklore has it that during the 17th-century plague, a gang of four thieves would rob corpses, yet never catch the plague themselves. Supposedly, anointing their bodies with a concoction of vinegar and herbs protected them.

The so-called vinaigre des quatrevoleurs (four thieves’ vinegar) is used today in the belief it fights infection. Many of the ingredients steeped init—garlic, rosemary, sage, lavender, thyme, juniper berry, black pepper and more—are proven to have antibacterial properties.

“I know people who consume this regularly as an antibacterial,” says Stéphane Calmeyn, Paris-based editor of RD. He adds that a friend of his with Type 2 diabetes credits it with helping regulate his blood sugar.

Though more research is needed, there is evidence that vinegar, particularly apple cider vinegar, can affect blood sugar levels: it delays the rate at which the stomach empties and starch is digested, which reduces the blood sugar spike after a meal. But check with your doctor before adding it to your diet, particularly if you are taking blood-sugar-lowering medications.

Apple cider vinegar may also prevent overeating. A small Swedish study found that those who consumed vinegar with a meal reported feeling more satiated than those who didn’t consume vinegar. That could prevent unhealthy snacking later in the evening. It’s best not to drink vinegar undiluted, as its acidity could damage tooth enamel. Instead, add one or two teaspoons to water or tea. 

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