High and Low

How to spot the signs of bipolar disorder and what treatment options are available to you

How to spot the signs of bipolar disorder and what treatment options are available to you

ROHIT'S* MOTHER NOTICED that he had been shopping too much online and then gifting away the expensive items. He was hardly sleeping at night and had become very irritable. His girlfriend confirmed that he had been drinking more than usual, spending extravagantly, always insisting on paying the bills when they were out with friends. She consulted her family doctor who suspected bipolar disorder and recommended a psychiatric consultation. It took considerable convincing to get Rohit to agree to consult a psychiatrist. Fortunately his hypomanic symptoms (elation and hyperactivity) responded to medication quickly and he returned to normal within a few weeks.

Bipolar disorder is a common psychiatric disorder affecting at least one per cent of the world. We do not know for sure why it occurs, but biological reasons (chemical changes in the brain, genetics) seem more likely to be responsible than psychological ones, though in some cases both may cause it. Often stressful circumstances, such as a marriage breaking up, lack of sleep, or even a jet lag may trigger a mood episode.

It is characterized by episodes of euphoria (a high, or mania) and depression (a low). It may first manifest as either. During the euphoric phase, the patient experiences a feeling of well-being and overconfidence, even of grandiosity, believing he is very rich or powerful. He may start spending excessively or giving away money. Other symptoms include insomnia, hyper-sexuality, violence, gambling, dangerous driving, abuse of recreational drugs and alcohol.

In this phase, the person usually does not think he is ill, refuses treatment and often requires involuntary treatment.

The depressive phase is characterized by a complete lack of energy and unwillingness or inability to do anything. The person often feels like a failure, has negative thoughts and broods over the pointlessness of life. A high percentage may attempt suicide. The depressive phase may immediat...

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