#GoodIdeas| Top Tips For A Better Life

Improve your everyday life with these easy-do ideas

Improve your everyday life with these easy-do ideas

Home Cures to Reduce Body Odour 

  • Apply cider vinegar or baking soda mixed with some lemon juice under your armpits at night.
  • Take 500 mg of wheatgrass with water on an empty stomach daily.
  • Add a few drops of rose water or any essential oil such as peppermint, tea tree or rosemary in your bathwater every day.

Bread it Right

Whether you prefer wholewheat, white or any other type of bread, it will stay fresh for a whole day at room temperature—depending on humidity—if sealed in its original wrapping. Once you have opened the wrapping, put the bread in a bread box and store it in the bottom shelf of the fridge.

Safer Shine

Vinegar and paper are legends. By itself, 1/4 cup white vinegar mixed in a litre of warm water makes for a great glass cleaner. Dip newspapers in the solution and rub the glass to get the sparkle back into your panes.

Plant Wise

Basil and marigold often keep pests away from neighbouring plants. Be careful though, since marigold also encourages some nema­todes that may harm the roots of other crops, especially veggies. Mint keeps ants and aphids at bay, while lemongrass and citrus plants keep mosquitoes away.

All-Purpose Cleaner

Boric acid bleaches, disinfects and deodorizes. Just two teaspoons of boric powder and an equal amount of vinegar stirred into a litre of water with liquid soap makes an effective all-purpose surface cleaner. Boric powder also keeps cockroaches away.


Collated from articles previously published in Prevention magazine
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