#Good Ideas: Simple Hacks To Spruce Up Your Life

Improve your everyday life with these easy-do ideas 

Improve your everyday life with these easy-do ideas 

Fake it till you Make It

Positivity re­searchers are now turning up unexpected happiness trig­gers that can turn your frown upside down. So ‘grin and bear it’ isn’t such dumb advice after all. Faking a genuine smile—the kind that crinkles the corners of your eyes—eases stress and boosts moods states a University of Kansas study.

Woof in Weight

‘Hi, poochie, I’m home’ treats can be harmful for your furry friend. Stop giving her treats because you feel guilty about being away all day. Enjoy a play session instead—it’s calorie-free, and the activity will benefit both of you.

Danger in Dishware

It’s not just BPA (a chemical called bisphenol-A) in plastic containers that’s harmful. Turns out, your melamine dishware may not be safe either. In a Taiwanese study, healthy young adults who slurped hot soups from melamine bowls were found to have much higher levels of the chemical (melamine) in their urine samples than those who used ceramic bowls. Even though the levels were not alarmingly high, it’s still wise to be cautious. Why? Because using melamine regularly may result in kidney damage.

Once in your body, melamine can harm your kidneys in two ways. First, it forms crys­tals that could eventually become kidney stones. And in very high doses, it becomes toxic, destroying kidney tissue. Pregnant women and children are most vulnerable, because developing kidneys are more susceptible to dam­age. Take these steps to avoid exposure. Keep it cool. Don’t serve acidic or warm foods or liquids in it (use glass or ceramic instead). And definitely don’t micro­wave melamine containers. Both acid and heat cause more melamine to leach into your food. Also, upgrade. According to the study, the cheaper the dishes, the more mela­mine leaches out. So shell out more to keep safe...

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