#Good Ideas: Easy Hacks To Make Your Life Better

Food hygiene, kitchen ideas, compost tip, and more. 

Food hygiene, kitchen ideas, compost tip, and more. 

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Love it or hate it, there’s no denying that mayonnaise is a common sta­ple in fridges. But with 100 calories per tablespoon, this condiment can turn a typical sandwich into a calorie bomb. Swap it with mustard, which is a great alternative. But if you crave that creamy texture and rich flavour, try homemade pesto, which is made with basil and heart-healthy olive oil and nuts.

Compost Tip

Convert the bio-waste from your daily dump into nutrient-rich compost. You can compost all vegetable and fruit waste, rice (cooked), tea bags, expired packaged foods and anything made of flour, such as discarded bread, cookies, pizza crust and noodles. But do not add meat or fish waste, dairy products, such as cheese, butter and greasy products to your compost pile. Keep a separate bin for your kitchen organic waste and keep dumping these into the composting bin. The key to good composting is to maintain a healthy ratio of nitrogen and carbon, with more of carbon in the pile. If the compost is stinking, it indicates higher nitrogen levels. “Add dried leaves to the waste to increase the carbon content. It needs to be aerated, so you could use a garden fork to loosen the mix. This will help you control the moisture of your compost better. Adequate moisture hastens the process of decomposing,” says Dr Jaya Deshpande, composting enthusiast with Daily Dump, a Bengaluru-based waste management solution provider. You can simply pile up your food scraps into a pit in your green patch and keep covering with soil and dried leaves.

Cook it Right

Did you know that quick steaming is the best way to retain the nutrients in broccoli (such as vitamin C and sulforaphane), than eating it boiled or raw? So steam it for just about five minutes, before throwing it in your favourite salad.

Brush Up

For clean make-up brushes and powder puffs, wash ...

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