Don't Just Sit And Work. Take To Standing Desk For Better Posture

Standing desks are here to stay

Standing desks are here to stay

Health experts have argued for years that sitting too much for too long is bad for your health. The health risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle include diabetes and heart-related ailments.

Nisha Varma, an American College of Sports Medicine-certified exercise physiologist based in Pune, says: “Do these three things every hour—hydrate yourself (keep a bottle handy), walk around for at least 5 minutes, do a few mobility exercises. You may make calls when taking a walking break.”

Does standing for long hours at work also help?

Enter the standing desk

Standing desks have become a rage thanks to the widespread belief that it helps you lose weight. While this argument is still debatable, there are some sure-shot benefits of standing while working. It improves your posture and helps you avoid slouching and back pain.

But a standing desk is no substitute for exercise. And, standing all day at work comes with own set of health hazards. “You shouldn’t be doing anything inactive for six to eight hours a day—whether that’s sitting at a computer or standing at a computer. Our bodies are meant to move,” Michael Fredericson, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Stanford University Medical Center, tells Men’s Health

Increasing popularity

According to a 2017 study on employee benefits by Society for Human Resource Management, among the 300-plus benefits provided by the US c...

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