Confused About Which Vacuum Cleaner You Should Choose? This Guide Will Answer Your Queries

These pointers will help you choose a vacuum cleaner that best suits your needs and makes your life easier

These pointers will help you choose a vacuum cleaner that best suits your needs and makes your life easier

How often do you find the corner you dusted just the day before looking dirty again? Are you also struggling with pet hair that gets into the corners of your sofa and no matter how much you dust, they just won’t go? A sturdy and efficient vacuum cleaner can make your life easier and keep your home clean. Here is a guide on things you must check while buying one for your home or office.

Know Your Need And Type

Broadly speaking, there are five types of vacuum cleaners—canister, upright, stick, handheld and robotic—and they differ in terms of performance and use.

1. Canister: While bulkier in shape, canister vacuums are great for cleaning floors, stairs, and under-the-furniture kind of spaces. A popular pick among Indian households, they usually come with attachments that are handy for cleaning drapes and upholstery as well. They are quieter too. However, their size makes them difficult to store and they are likely to bump into walls and furniture as you drag them along while cleaning. 

2. Upright: These are better at deep-cleaning large floor areas, especially carpets with pet hair and debris. The best thing about upright vacuums is that you don’t have to bend to clean surfaces. However, because of their shape, they can be difficult to use on stairs. Also, they tend to be noisier than canister models. 

3. Stick: A lighter version of an upright vacuum cleaner, stick vacuums are more compact and super-convenient to use and store. Because of their design, they can slide underneath the furniture and reach tough-to-clean corners. These are ideal if you are looking for a cleaner that can handle light debris, but they are not as powerful as an upright vacuum cleaner. 

4. Handheld: These mini-vacuum cleaners are ideal for spot cleaning. Lightweight and incredibly easy to store and use, they are obvious...

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