A Bowl Of Soup Can Be Your Go-To Comfort Food

Available in clear and thick varieties, a bowl of steaming-hot soup can be a great fix for cold

Available in clear and thick varieties, a bowl of steaming-hot soup can be a great fix for cold

There can hardly be a better substitute to a piping-hot bowl of soup on a rainy day!

It was earlier believed that boiling as a technique and soup-making originated 5,000–9,000 years ago. However, the discovery of heat-resistant cooking ware in a cave in China in 2012 indicates that soups may have been made even 20,000 years ago.

Soups are generally served as the first course in a meal. They usually have a light texture and consistency, but they can be made thicker. You can do so by adding milk, but make sure it is not curdled.  You can also add vegetables and legumes to your soups. Should you want to make the preparation more filling, you could choose to add boiled eggs and chicken. For a hint of aroma, garnish it with greens such as celery, parsley and thyme.

Such a preparation is rich in nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and fibres, thereby making it a powerhouse dish, which is also really simple to prepare.

Soups you can savour

1. Tomato soup and sweet corn soup are among the more popular and commonly-consumed varieties. You can opt for a clear or a thicker variant, depending on your preference.

2. A mixed-vegetable soup, done right with a touch of sourness and spiciness and served hot, can be a great entrée before the main course.

3. Regional variations have their own distinct charm. The Japanese miso soup, for instance, has dashi stock, seaweed and miso paste as its m...

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