13 Things You Should Know About Spring Cleaning

Clear that clutter!

Clear that clutter!

1. Set aside a few weekends for spring cleaning your home. Create a schedule, and tidy up room by room instead of by activity. So, start with the bedroom, rather than washing all the curtains over one weekend. This will keep your task list manageable and give you a tangible sense of accomplishment.

2. Aim to declutter. Designate 'donate' and 'to be decided' bins for things you no longer need. Tokyo-based consultant Marie Kondo has created a simple test in her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: Look at an item and ask, "Does it spark joy in my heart?" It's a good rule of thumb when confronting a loft or storage trunk with years worth of 'stuff'.

3. Fix appointments with the electrician, painter and so on before you start cleaning, suggests Darshan J. Singh, home expert and former head of housekeeping at the Oberoi and Leela hotels.

4. Create a cleaning caddy that you can lug with you. It should include essential cleaning supplies like rubber gloves, a spray bottle filled with a mild detergent, dusting cloths, paper towels, microfibre cloths for catching dust and disinfectant.

5. Here's a foolproof strategy: Return every item to its place. Dust, then vacuum every surface and appliance. Tackle cupboards and storage spaces one at a time. Empty them out, clean with a mild detergent and sanitizer, check for signs of water damage, termites and mould, line with newspaper or lining sheets and, as you put items back, start creating your 'repair', 'donate' and 'to be decided' piles.

6. To reduce allergies and exposure to harsh chemicals, create your own disinfectants (they are safer for pets too). A solution of one part white vinegar and nine parts water is effective against germs and bacteria, and also acts as a natural deodorizer. Add a few drops of lemon or lavender essential oil for a pleasing fragrance.


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